History Movies

What's Right with America


A family returns to America after spending seven years in a remote jungle of New Guinea doing public health work, only to find that the bill of rights has been suspended and that the country is now a fascist totalitarian state.

Titanic's Achilles Heel


star 10
An expedition looks into whether Titanic's hull had a construction design flaw that caused her to break apart. Featuring advanced CGI technology, archive documents and photographs, as well as footage from the modern-day History(R) expeditions, "Titanic's Achilles Heel" is a remarkable journey into the ongoing legacy of a ship that continues to capture the world's attention.
star 6.2

Talks with TGM


Talks with TGM


star 6.2
On 26 September 1928, Karel Capek and President T.G. Masaryk meet in the gardens of Topolcianky castle to decide about the fate of their joint literary work. Their fiction film dialogue is based on quotes from a future book and their mutual correspondence, considerably freeing the original format of literary conversation from binding conventions. Capek and Masaryk reproach and offend each other, but they also ask key personal questions and questions about the social functions of a writer and politician respectively. "It's a film about two extraordinary men; it's about the fact that emotions can be sometimes more powerful than ideas even in such exceptional people.
star 4.2

Man to Men


Man to Men


star 4.2
The story of the Swiss soldier, Henri Dunant, who was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross, and who was offered the first Nobel Peace Prize.

La terre promise


In a small east-european ghetto, the Jewish family is celebrating Easter. The fraternal dissonance between the Sigoulim brothers pretty accurately mirrors the strife between the two powers, one surrounding Samuel, a devoted rabbi, and the other around Moïse, a talented money lender. Moïse becomes the king of petrol and ships to London with his niece Lia. Conflict continues and leads to the violent strike by oilworkers...

The Life of Aleksis Kivi


star 5.8
Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, "Seven Brothers/Seitsemän veljestä". Although Kivi was among the very earliest authors of prose and lyrics in Finnish language, he is still considered one of the greatest of them all.

Sons of the Stone-Hearted Man


star 6.2
Based on the novel of Mór Jókai. During the Hungarian independence war 1848-49 mother and her three sons trying to leave the road precisely designated by their conservative, stone-hearted father. The way-seeking and rivalry of brothers, Jókai's masterpiece, the cast, delightful scenes give an unforgettable experience.

The Burston Rebellion


Drama reconstructing the events of a strike by the schoolchildren of a Norfolk school in 1914, who refused to accept the dismissal of their teachers, Tom and Annie Higdon, who were both socialists.

The Miracle of Stairway B


star 6
Survivors tell how 12 fire-fighters, a police officer and an office worker survived inside the North Tower of the World Trade Center as it collapsed on top of them
star 7.5

Les amants du bagne


Les amants du bagne


star 7.5
In 1923, Albert Londres, the famous reporter, travels to the French penal colony in French Guyana. First, officers try to hide the truth, but leaded by his own instinct he begins an investigation alongside the authorities. He didn't expect to find such inhuman conditions. He meets a prisoner, Camille, and his wife, Claudia, who's in French Guyana to find a way to free her husband. He decides to help her.

Quitte pour la peur


At the beginning of the 19th century, in the countryside, a duchess suddenly finds herself in a very delicate position: pregnant by her lover while married to a duke she hasn't seen for 15 years. When he comes to visit her late at night, the duchess considers the worst.

The Widow from Valencia


star 1
Tv movie adaptation of "The Widow from Valencia",a play written by the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega. It was written circa 1600 as a result of Lope's visit to the city with his new patron, the future Count of Lemos. They were there for the marriage of the King Philip III with Margaret of Austria.

Before the Revolution


star 8
A documentary thriller describing the last days of the Israeli community in Tehran, on the eve of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The director, whose family was in Tehran at the time, uses rare archive materials to illustrate how thousands of Israelis, who enjoyed unusual affinity with the Shah's regime, wake up one morning to find their paradise vanished.

1903: Relived: Stage 1 Of The First Tour


On the 19th of July 1903 60 cyclists left Paris for the maiden stage of the very first Tour de France, racing 467km through the night to the line in Lyon. 116 years later, two modern-day riders attempted to recreate the feat of endurance using bikes and equipment from the early 20th century to fully experience the highs and lows of the early Tour pioneers. Endurance cyclist Mark Beaumont and GCN presenter James Lowsley-Williams are pushed to the limits of their physical and mental ability, struggling with the midsummer heat, bikes borrowed from museums and a lack of sleep. How did they compare to the Tour’s first heroes?

Egypt's Great Mummies: Unwrapped with Bettany Hughes


star 9
Professor Bettany Hughes takes viewers on a journey of discovery as she investigates 10 of the greatest and most intriguing Egyptian mummies - and the secrets that lie beneath the bandages. Having remained in their tombs for thousands of years, wrapped, embalmed and buried with treasure, each mummy tells the story of the criminals, priests, children and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Tropical Gothic


Philippines, 1570, the early years of the Spanish colonial regime. Marta, a Native Priestess, convinces her Spanish master that she is possessed by the spirit of his dead bride, in order to manipulate him into returning the farmland that the Spaniards seized from the native community.

Doin' It in the Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC


star 6.6
An independent documentary directed by Bobbito Garcia and Kevin Couliau. The film explores the definition, history, culture, social impact and global influence of New York's outdoor summer basketball scene, the worldwide 'Mecca' of the sport.
star 7.6

Birth of Civilization


Birth of Civilization


star 7.6
With the help of state of the art special effects, this National Geographic documentary attempts to recreate what civilization looked like during the first 8,000 years that human beings lived on Earth.

The Pitești Experiment


star 6
The life story of Herman, a promising young man who under extreme circumstances changed into Romania's most effective torture machine in the infamous Pitesti Experiment during the Communist Regime

Spy of Napoleon


Exiled French patriot helps to find the men who want to betray emperor Napoleon III by selling military secrets to the German government.