Thriller Movies

star 4.6





star 4.6
A man attempts to make a new start in Atlantic City with the help of his daughter and a new business partner.
star 6.3

The Cop


The Cop


star 6.3
A crackdown on drugs leads a burned out cop to take the law into his own hands and seek revenge against villainous drug dealers. Word comes down from above that the United States feels French authorities have been lax on their arrests of the dealers. A violent action feature finds the harried inspector battling his colleagues as much as the criminal element targeted for extermination.

Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright


star 5
The story centers on Charlie, a Los Angeles billionaire financial whiz who goes into self-imposed exile in Tijuana after his empire is revealed to have been a Ponzi scheme. While looking for the woman he abandoned there 25 years before, Charlie is pursued by a Mexican gangster, a federal agent and thugs sent by a former client looking to retrieve his money.
star 4.2

Waking Karma


Waking Karma


star 4.2
When high school senior Karma's estranged cult leader father traps her and her mother in a remote forest compound, she must survive a series of psychological trials meant to prepare her for a strange and deadly reincarnation ritual.

Stalked by My Doctor: Patient's Revenge


star 6.1
After being found not guilty for his crimes, Dr. Albert Beck takes a teaching job at a university, where his blossoming relationship with a student is threatened when one of his previous victims begins a campaign of terror against him.
star 4.6

Abandoned Dead


Abandoned Dead


star 4.6
A security guard, trapped in a run-down inner-city medical clinic, is terrorized by supernatural forces which threaten to overtake her.
star 3.6





star 3.6
Royal Marine A.J Budd awakes in a mysterious house and is forced to fight for his life everyday against grotesque inhuman opponents. Trapped alone in an unchanging prison of unbreakable routines, he must kill every day or die himself. As days stretch into years, the isolation and unceasing violence threaten his very soul.
star 4.3

Nemesis 2: Nebula


Nemesis 2: Nebula


star 4.3
It has been 73 years since Alex failed and the Humans lost the Cyborg Wars. Since then, the Humans have been enslaved. Scientists have developed a new DNA strain, which could signal the end of the Cyborgs, and they inject it into a volunteer. When the Cyborgs learn of the woman and the baby they list both for termination.
star 5.1

Cold Steel


Cold Steel


star 5.1
On Christmas Eve, Johnny Modine's father is murdered by a psycho cut-throat. The cop swears bloody revenge, though he's taken off the case. He doesn't suspect yet that he's also the target in a diabolic plan of revenge.



A close-knit family is torn apart as a new movement known as "The Change" envelops the country.
star 6.6





star 6.6
Indian Military Intelligence assigns their agent, Vikram Sabharwal, to travel to Kashmir. There he is to locate the person(s) behind the violence, under the guise of a press reporter, Gul Jahangir. Once there, he begins his investigation by visiting highly sensitive areas as such as the Jama Masjid, Dardpura Village and Rainawari Chowk. He is accompanied by a tailor, Char Chinar, who sells uniforms to both militants and the military soldiers. Vikram meets up with Aziza Abbas Ansari, and her mentor, Haji Sayyed Shah, and aspiring political leader, Aatif Hussain. And it is after these meetings that he will conclude who is behind the extremism in this beautiful yet 'most dangerous place on Earth'.
star 6.9





star 6.9
After being hit by an iron rod, Sanjay Ramaswamy, a business tycoon, suffers from anterograde amnesia. He is unable to remember anything beyond fifteen minutes. Under such circumstances, he sets out on a quest to find the people who were responsible for his lover Kalpana's murder.
star 4.9

This Revolution


This Revolution


star 4.9
Jake Cassevetes is a world renowned shooter just back from being embedded during the U.S. invasion of Iraq. As a well-paid stringer for the networks, Jake does not buy into the currently vogue, left-wing conspiracy theory of a corporate-controlled press. But, after discovering much of his best footage in Iraq was censored by the network, Jake is growing disillusioned with his corporate masters. When he gets an assignment to shoot on the streets of the Republican National Convention protests, he meets Seven, one of the young leaders of the masked anarchist Black Bloc. Jake quickly wins the trust of the group and is allowed to shadow them as they move through the demo. Later that night, after shooting Seven with her mask down describing the Bloc's militant objectives, the videotape is mistakenly returned to the network with the rest of his footage. When he goes to retrieve the tape, he is...
star 7.1





star 7.1
Overcome by an irrational rage, a 17 year-old hatchet man kidnaps his boss who had managed to cover up his true identity and become part of the establishment. The Kid takes this one time hero of his to a hideout in a huge, deserted steel mill where the two experience a kind of enlightenment after some twenty hours of infernal games and agony.
star 6.5

No Mercy for the Rude


No Mercy for the Rude


star 6.5
A mute hit-man vows to kill only the rude, and save up enough money for tongue surgery.
star 5.4

Kings Bay


Kings Bay


star 5.4
21 died in the explosion in the kings bay-accident in Ny-Ålesund in Spitsbergen i 1962. The accident led to the fall of the Norwegian labor party government ruling since WW2. Was this really an accident, and was it under Norwegian control?
star 5.8

Killer Coach


Killer Coach


star 5.8
After a one-night stand with her coach, a pressured swimming phenom finds the lives of herself and her loved ones in danger.
star 5.3

The Escape


The Escape


star 5.3
Clayton, at the age of nineteen, is convicted for a crime he did not commit. Ten years afterwards, after having taken all the abuses against him in prison, he decides to escape, without caring about the consequences.
star 4.5

Big Love


Big Love


star 4.5
Emilka meets the slightly-older Maciek out at a club one night. He shows Emilka—who was brought up by a single mom—a whole new world filled with desire, passion, restlessness and rebellion. The girl moves in with him and at first everything seems just perfect, but gradually Emilka discovers her separate identity, and starts to grow apart from him. When her dream of becoming a singer comes true, Maciek feels threatened. A toxic love game begins, full of lust and jealousy.
star 7

Street of Shadows


Street of Shadows


star 7
A slippery femme fatale, a spy for Germany during the Great War, is sent to Thessaloniki in Greece and becomes involved with a man on the other side, a French military officer.