Western Movies

13 bullets and a dead body


star 9.5
In search of a box supposed to hold a treasure, a young woman goes into the ruins to recover her loot. Followed from afar by a man, the latter traps her and forces her to give him the said box. By observing its contents, he realizes that it contains only 13 euros and decides to do everything to find out where the young woman could have hidden the rest of the money.

The Texas Trail


Rangy Pete Grainger is a cowboy who saves a rancher and his daughter from being kicked off their property by the ubiquitous evil landlord.
star 6.8

West of Leona


West of Leona


star 6.8
After losing everything, a stubborn, wounded man motorcycles across the beautiful but barren West Texas landscape in search of perspective. A dream trip meant for two, alone.

At The Riverbed


Two men stranded in the desert suspect the third strand-ee in their trio of having ill intentions.

Brirat shearim


Adam Ginkgo Grant's final film project

Beyond the Border


When Bob Smith brings in the outlaw Bob Moore he learns his real name is also Bob Smith. With his sister whom he has not seen since childhood arriving, Moore gets Smith to pose as him. The masquerade works fine for a while but then Moore's gang members plan to kill him and Smith must save the brother of the woman he now loves.
star 8





star 8

Reina of the West


Reina of the West is a western drama that chronicles the life of a black woman, Reina, who is forced to find a path of survival after her family abandons her. Finding other women with similar fates as her own, abandoned or outcast, Reina starts a ranch under the guise of a man's name but when a group of men in town get jealous of her ranch's success they devise a plan to shut down the ranch. Reina and her female ranch hands set out on a path to save their ranch but it also leads Reina down a road that forces her to face parts of her past that she hasn't truly come to terms with.

The Man of the Desert


Silent western starring real life Dalton Gang member, Emmett Dalton.

Broncho Billy, the Vagabond


Broncho, the vagabond, is thrown out of the gambler's place because he has no money. He is light-hearted, nevertheless, and while strolling through the woods, runs upon a little girl trying to chop some wood. His heart is touched and he helps her. She leads him to the shack she calls home and Broncho is filled with pity when he sees her father sick

A Legend of Whitey


It's 1885. Wild bison are scarce in the North West Territories. Luther Giddings (Paul Spence), a scout of mixed blood returns to the buffalo ranch where he was born to reunite with his half brother, William Turner (Dave Lawrence). Greeted by a rag tag posse of racists, homophobes and gossips, the only kindness Luther receives is from the rancher's effeminate son. Whiskey floats more trouble than it drowns and before long, he is on the run, the bison rancher's inept outfit on his tail. When Luther discovers that the captive white buffalo has followed him, he vows to return the animal to her people to trigger the return of the Great Herds. With an two thousand pound buffalo and a reluctant brother from another father in tow.

The Scrappin' Kid


Bill Bradley, who owns a small house and a one-horse corral in the hills, saves the lives of Betty Brent and her brother Mike from a forest fire in which their mother has perished. He decides to take care of them. When word spreads that Betty is actually 18, a committee of citizens, headed by Cliff Barrowes, whose father holds a mortgage on Bill's property, calls to protest; the sheriff's wife offers the children a home; and soon after, Cliff begins to woo the girl. Bill, meanwhile, is forcibly held by a trio of outlaws about to flee across the border.

Kit, the Arkansaw Traveler


Mary Adams, about to visit relatives in a distant part of the country, is entrusted to the care of Manuel Bond. The girl's beauty inflames Bond, a gambler and a scoundrel. That night, when the stagecoach halts, Mary is horrified to discover that Bond has registered for both as man and wife. The gambler turns a deaf ear to the girl's frantic pleas. After locking her in the room, the scoundrel proceeds to the barroom. Mary escapes by means of the window. The girl comes upon a party of settlers. Mary joins the party. Later, the girl meets Kit, a young backwoodsman. It is a case of love at first sight and the two are married the same day.

The Revenue Agent


The girl, on guard at the mountain defile, sees a strange man with all the accouterments of a painter. She hails him and he explains he is a landscape artist. Tom, coming along a moment later, also challenges him and is reassured of the stranger's calling when the stranger paints his picture. As the days go by, the painter and the girl meet frequently and Tom's attentions to the girl begin to be unwelcome, Tom is consumed with jealousy, but he likes the painter and he is a good loser. Then comes the denouement. The moonshiners learn that the painter is a revenue agent. Tom is about to kill him, but the girl buys his life at the price of her happiness. She tells Tom she will marry him if the spy goes free.

The Forester's Plea


Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.

Red Blood and Yellow


Red Blood and Yellow is a 1919 Western

The Boss of the Lazy Y


A 1917 film directed by Clifford Smith.

The Ballad of Poisonberry Pete


star 6
Poisonberry Pete, the baddest pie in the yeast, is in town and he's looking for trouble. With the citizens stricken by fear and the gun toting sheriff itching for a gunfight, can one little tart save the town?

The Tenderfoot Sheriff


Snake, a notorious outlaw, robs the general store. True Boardman, the sheriff, and a posse starts out after him. Snake riddles the sheriff's hat with bullets and the sheriff and posse run under cover. Boardman resigns. The village trustees appoint a new sheriff. Snake writes a note saying he will be in Kelly's saloon that night.