Western Movies

The Great Train Robbery


star 6.7
A remake of Edwin S. Porter's film of the same title.

The Ring of Destiny


Jack and Dolly, his sister, live together in the west. On Jack's birthday, Dolly presents him with a peculiar ring. The brother and sister attend a masquerade ball that evening, each dressed in the other's clothes. Dolly, being taken for a man, meets Big Bill, a new ranchman, and he offers her a cigar, which she tries to smoke. Jack sees her in distress, and coming to her rescue, is introduced as the sister. The next morning Jack leaves to look over his stock. While riding through the sage brush, he takes a shot at a rabbit and the bullet lands near the spot where a cattle rustler is plying his unlawful trade. The cattle rustler and Jack meet. The former believes that Jack tried to kill him and a fight follows. Jack is killed.

The Hired Gun


Gunman Don Borisenko is hired by the townsfolk to mete out justice to a cruel land baron. Instead, Borisenko gets romantically involved with Tass Tory, the wife of a local farmer. When the smoke clears, the gunman has killed the rancher, and the farmer has killed the gunman.

Kit, the Arkansaw Traveler


Mary Adams, about to visit relatives in a distant part of the country, is entrusted to the care of Manuel Bond. The girl's beauty inflames Bond, a gambler and a scoundrel. That night, when the stagecoach halts, Mary is horrified to discover that Bond has registered for both as man and wife. The gambler turns a deaf ear to the girl's frantic pleas. After locking her in the room, the scoundrel proceeds to the barroom. Mary escapes by means of the window. The girl comes upon a party of settlers. Mary joins the party. Later, the girl meets Kit, a young backwoodsman. It is a case of love at first sight and the two are married the same day.

Gene of the Northland


Jeanne La Roche lives alone with her brother in the great northwestern country. Jacques is a ne'er-do-well and has fallen under the suspicion of the mounted police, two of whom are dispatched to arrest him for robbery. The stolen goods are found in his home. Jeanne is too young to be left in their lonely cabin, so she is taken to the post, where the wife of the proprietor welcomes her and gives her a home. Several years later, Donald McLean wins her for his wife. Meantime Jacques escapes from prison, eludes his pursuers and takes refuge in McLean's home.

The Caballero's Way


A Cisco Kid story.

Rubber Tire Soul


2 Groups battle each other in a Tire War.

Hillbilly Love


The two youngsters who want to get married are from either side of the feuding clans. As the preparations are made -- buying cigars and cleaning the rifles -- Frank Luther sings some hillbilly songs, assisted by a band which includes Ray Whitley. But can a peaceful gathering take place when the guys buy exploding cigars?

Branded Man


Branded Man is an obscure silent Western.

The Girl and the Mail Bag


Jessie Baird, the postmaster's daughter, handles the registered mail. Hankey, a gambler, seeing the men sending money away from the mining town, decides to rob the stagecoach of the mail bag. He orders Pete, a pal, to board the stage and throw the mail bag off at Deer Creek.

The Belle of Bar-Z Ranch


A silent short Western comedy film directed by Thomas Ricketts.

Staking His Life


In this re-edited, re-titled version of 'Conversion of Frosty Blake, The (1915)', some character names are changed but the story, of a New England pastor who goes out west for his health and encounters a gun-toting dance-hall owner and a beautiful dancer, remains fairly intact.

Little Brother of God


In Canada a man investigates his brother's death and saves a suspected girl from kidnap.
star 9.5

Trail of the Spider


Trail of the Spider


star 9.5
Trail of the Spider transposes Western genre motifs and the suppressed racial history of the American west (where one in three cowboys were black or Mexican) onto the transforming landscape of East London. Questioning and re-imagining the Western’s portrayal of the “Vanishing Frontier” , the film extends the metaphor to the material and psychological conditions of a present day city increasingly dominated by volatile financial speculations and private interests.

The Lonesome Stranger


This Lone Ranger spoof pits the Lonesome Stranger and his horse Sliver against a gang of Mexican banditos known as the Killer Diller Boys.

Broncho Billy's Sister


Broncho Billy's sister, Geraldine, is in love with Fred Church, a worthless sort. Broncho Billy discovers Fred Church, the lover, in the town saloon filling himself full of liquor. Church requests Broncho Billy to drink with him, but the latter refuses emphatically. A little later Geraldine confesses her love for Church to her brother.

The Greater Duty


The Greater Duty is a silent Western

The Ranger's Bride


The story concerns Bill Dunham, a droll cow-puncher, who finds that home without a wife may have its advantages, "but durned few," and a good woman who can sew on buttons and make flapjacks is worth more than much silver and gold and the liberties of single blessedness.