Western Movies

Ride By Night


Isolated after the death of her abolitionist husband, pioneer woman Joan must decide if she'll help Martha, a former slave fleeing for her life, along the Underground Railroad. As Martha forces Joan's hand, they make their way North, leaving behind bodies in their wake.

Broncho Billy's Gun Play


The sheriff of Sioux County, Arizona, is notified to locate the bandits' rendezvous. Carl Waters, the sheriff, scouts the country and finally locates them. Returning to the town saloon and dance hall Waters, who is smitten with the fair Caroline Heston, proposes to her. She promises to give her answer the following day.

The Overland Telegraph


At the beginning of the Civil War, as federal troops start to build the first overland telegraph, Indians, who fear the wires, kill some of the linesmen. In response, Major Hammond, who oversees the troops, requests that President Abraham Lincoln send twenty thousand more soldiers to come to his aid. Lincoln grants Hammond's request, and sends along Capt. Allen, who is knowledgeable about Indians. At his new post, Allen discovers that a Confederate spy has been fomenting trouble with the Indians. Allen eventually uncovers the spy, makes peace with the Indians and wins the love of Dorothy, a young woman who lives at the post.

The Mystery Trooper


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Jack Logan is the heir to half of a map to a hidden Indian mine. The trader and villain Jean Gregg sends his chief henchman Mack to make life difficult for Jack. Jack is aided in his quest by the heirs to the other half of the map: Helen Holt and her younger brother Billy, and by a uniformed mystery man known as "The Mystery Trooper".

Getting a Start in Life


Old Si Spunk is dying, and leaves his shack and acres in Montana to Elizabeth Spunk, his niece, in the East. A cowboy finds a photograph of a fierce looking old maid with the name "Elizabeth Spunk" on the back. Thinking this is the niece, Tom and Jerry, two of the cowboys, hit upon an idea to drive her out of the country.

The Sheriff's Blunder


The Sheriff's Blunder is a silent Western.

Across the Pacific


The Escott family, on their way to Montana, is attacked by Indians. Army Lt. Joe Lanier finds little Elsie Escott, the only survivor,

Broncho Billy's Christmas Spirit


It is Christmas Eve, and a humble prospector has spent his last cent for food. He is heartbroken to think that he cannot even buy anything for his two small children. When his wife finds a letter to Santa Claus asking for a doll and rocking horse, the prospector is desperate.

Grey Eagle's Revenge


Shooting blindly, the redskin slays his best friend.

The Abandoned Well


From his hard and lonely life with his foster father, the adopted son finds solace in Cynthia, the neighbor's daughter. Father promises to give them money to start their happy married way, but forgets when a widow, with a little girl, comes home with him as a bride. Then it is that the abandoned well comes into play and father's eyes are opened to his neglect.

The Spirit of Good


When chorus girl Nell Gordon (Madlaine Traverse) is betrayed by a married man, she becomes hard and bitter. Eventually, she drifts from New York to the decadent Western town of Gehenna where she's the star of the cabaret.

The Fighting Three


The touring show's soubrette, Jeanne D'Arcy, as it turns out, is the long-lost daughter of Westerner John D'Arcy. While she is performing at the town opera house, D'Arcy is found murdered and young Jack is accused of the heinous deed.

The Tenderfoot's Triumph


When Tommy, an Eastern young man, arrives in a Western town, the cowboys see that he is a tenderfoot and make him dance to the tune of a gun. Beecher, a ranchman, Hazel, his daughter, and Sid, the foreman, who is in love with Hazel, rescue Tommy.

Carrying the Mail


The owner of a stagecoach line is about to lose his mail contract after 30 years because he's been underbid. His competitor is actually a crook who's planning to hijack the stagecoach and rob the mail--and, for good measure, have a go at his rival's pretty young daughter.

Across the Deadline


There is a feud of 30 years' standing between the Revelle and Wainwright families, dwelling in the Apache country, despite which Shirley, daughter of Martin Revelle, and Clem Wainwright fall in love. The lovers are discovered meeting by Clem's rival, Ben Larrago, who informs on them (Exhibitors Trade Review, 23rd May 1925).

The Guitarist and the Rancher


Rambler Shinji arrives in town armed with nothing but a guitar. With assistance from an old gun-for-hire friend, he sets about to stop the mob from turning an honest ranch into a gambling resort.

The Long Chance


Harley P. Hennage, town gambler, takes under his protection Dana Corbaly when her widowed mother dies. He becomes suspicious of the motives of Bob McGraw, a young engineer who has come to town to investigate the mining claim of Dana's father, John Corbaly. But events reveal that he is only the tool of Corbaly's former partner, capitalist T. Morgan Carey.

The Desert Rider


Jack Hoxie pledges to take care of a prospector's son before the man dies from shooting wounds. Jack Hoxie must find the killer before he disappears with the prospector's gold. A young woman also searches the killer for motives of her own.

Ashes of Hope


Set in the Great White North, the film stars Bennett as the object of affections for several rugged northerners, including a couple of disreputable gamblers.

The Goddess of Lost Lake


Mary Thorne is the quarter-breed daughter of prospector Marshall Thorne. She has just returned from college and when a pair of hunters, Mark Hamilton and Chester Martin, come along, she decides it would be fun to dress in native garb and fool them. Both men find themselves attracted to her, even though Indians were taboo for whites in the racist days of the 1910s.