Tv Movie Movies

star 4.5

The Lost World


The Lost World


star 4.5
A scientist discovers dinosaurs on a remote plateau in Mongolia.





Pinocchio is a 1957 TV musical broadcast shown live on NBC, directed and choreographed by Hanya Holm. This version features songs by Alec Wilder.
star 5

Asphalt Night


Asphalt Night


star 5
This low-budget drama details the unlikely friendship between a smart-aleck seventeen-year-old punk and a thirty-year-old rock 'n roll musician in search of songwriting inspiration. Angel heads out to the streets of Berlin in his drag-racer to revitalize his flagging creativity. He is desperately trying for a new song that refuses to surface. He meets scrappy Johnny on the streets and saves him from everyone he tends to alienate: cops, motorcycle gangs, and passers-by. Johnny has his guitar with him and is the first to break Angel's deadlock. A tune he plucks out is just the beginning that Angel was looking for. The rest of the song lies out there somewhere and the two head into Berlin's night spots to find it.

The Day My Parents Ran Away


star 3.7
An irresponsible teen examines his life after his fed-up parents leave him to fend for himself.

The Other Victim


After his wife is raped, a man struggles to find ways to express the anger and helplessness which the crime has instilled in him.

Knight Rider: Knight of the Phoenix


star 5.5
Feature length pilot for the TV Series Knight Rider
star 6

Hay Fever


Hay Fever


star 6
Set in a British country house in the 1920s, Hay Fever follows the outlandish bevaiour of the Bliss family when they each invite a guest to spend the weekend. Best described as a cross between high farce and a comedy of manners, Hay Fever is one of Coward's most popular plays.

The Gambler Returns: The Luck Of The Draw


star 5
Hawkes, Jones and Cassidy are on their way to the biggest poker game in history. But a few folks want to see them fold before they even get there.
star 5

Hornet's Nest


Hornet's Nest


star 5
Set in Charlotte, N.C., the story opens with everyone desperate to solve the latest crisis: a serial killer is specializing in out-of-town businessmen. Hammer and West make the murder investigation their top priority. But West is less than pleased when Hammer pairs her up with Brazil, a cub reporter assigned to cover the police department.

America in the Bathhouse


star 7
The resourceful rural tailor Vincas offers the wealthy but tight-fisted landowner Antanas to lend his impoverished neighbor a couple of thousand rubles and in return get his daughter Agota as a wife with a large dowry. Then Vincas easily persuades Agota to steal the borrowed money from her father and flee to America together...

Dido & Aeneas


Henry Purcell's opera Dido & Aeneas, completed in 1689, was the subject of a memorable and breathtaking performance at the Staatsoper Berlin in 2005. In Dido & Aeneas Sasha Waltz opens up new horizons in music theatre, creating a fusion of dance, singing and music the choreographic opera. The (extended, revised) libretto, the (reconstructed) music, vocal parts, dance, the stage set featuring a rousing underwater ballet combine to form a sublime total choreography and parallel action involving dancers, singers and musicians. In this choreographic opera, Sasha Waltz demonstrates not only her familiarity with Emile Jaques-Dalcroze and Pina Bausch, but also the confidence she has in her own style. Sensational!

The Separation


On March 21, 1905, the hemicycle of the Palais-Bourbon resounded with the first session of a crucial and animated parliamentary debate, which was to last nearly ten months and occupy 48 sessions in the Chamber of Deputies. They have to study the bill of separation of the Churches and the State. This law, which founded laicity in France, was adopted on December 9, 1905.

Digital Dreams


An amalgam of documentary and cinema verité, this movie outlines the life, loves and music of Rolling Stones bass guitarist Bill Wyman. After leaving the Stones in 1981, Wyman tried to establish his own separate musical identity, conveyed here through a stream of hallucinatory images and animated sequences.

Off the Minnesota Strip


star 5.5
A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to regain her parents' understanding and love.
star 7

Deadly Mom Retreat


Deadly Mom Retreat


star 7
A woman tries to move on past her divorce, she goes to a singles retreat, but begins to see that things aren't what they seem.



Piotr is a freelancing journalist in early 1980's Poland. One day, he comes across a curious case of a woman's death during work and the workplace's refusal to pay the insurance to her mother.
star 8





star 8

Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End


star 7.6
The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast centers on the death of a man whose wife seems certain to be convicted for his murder. Fairly certain that the woman did not kill her husband, it’s up to Alex to figure out who the real killer is as the trial heads toward its conclusion.

Anatomy of a Seduction


star 5.5
The story of a divorced woman who begins an affair with the college-age son of her best friend, and the effects it has on her relationship with her own son, who is not much younger than her lover.