War Movies

The War Prayer


"In 1904, disgusted by the aftermath of the Spanish-American War and the subsequent Philippine-American War, Mark Twain wrote a short anti-war prose poem called "The War Prayer." His family begged him not to publish it, his friends advised him to bury it, and his publisher rejected it, thinking it too inflammatory for the times. Twain agreed, but instructed that it be published after his death, saying famously: None but the dead are permitted to tell the truth."

Haven't I Told You


Based on real events in Macedonia during the Ottoman era. The plot revolves around a number of Macedonian revolutionaries battling against a large Ottoman-Turkish Army.

When the Echoes Will


In the fall of 1945, former front-line soldier Umar Badalov makes his way into a deserted village. He honestly fulfilled his military duty, now he has been commissioned and here he is in his village. Autumn dying nature and a devastated village, painted with tragedy, in which he did not meet a soul, except for one dead dog.

Michael Blackwell: Combat Camera


Michael Blackwell entered the United States Navy on Veteran's Day, 2002 and served for more than nine years. While stationed with the now-disestablished Fleet Combat Camera Group Pacific, he served alongside United States Army 5th and 10th group Special Forces in Iraq.

Road of a Thousand Miles


Commissar Ali-Akbar travels a thousand miles across the desert with his international detachment, trying to deliver weapons to the Red Army during the civil war in Kazakhstan.

The many faces of Algerian war


star 8
With the intention to represent all points of view, this documentary tackles the eight years of the "Algerian war" or "War of Liberation" head-on through the accounts of those who experienced it. 25 witnesses, civilians and soldiers of both camps, deliver their perceptions of the conflict and help to explain the multiple facets of this war.

The Science of D-Day


star 6
Seventy years ago one of the greatest amphibious assaults in history was launched from here on the south coast of England. And within a matter of hours, 7000 vessels had landed 156,000 troops on the beaches of Normandy. It was a manoeuvre that changed the course of the war and tested innovations in science and engineering for the first time. On this programme, engineer Rob Bell looks at the nuts and bolts which made such a staggering invasion possible. From giant troop carrying gliders to tanks that could drive on water. How necessity really did become the mother of invention. Like all new inventions - not all of them worked and resulted in devastating consequences. We find out why. This is the science of D-Day.
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A man who has devoted his life to the Kashmir struggle attempts to pass his vision along to the younger generation.
star 5.4

Railroad Guerrilla


Railroad Guerrilla


star 5.4
This movie is based on the true story, which happened in Shan-Dong Province of China during World War II. It is based on a collection of memoirs of the guerrilla members. Due to the fact that it happened during World War II and there was not much secrets, this movie is that it was more realistic than other movies in that many real names were used, and the actual site was not changed either like other war movies of the time. The drawback of the movie was that in the latter stage of World War II, the guerrilla force was developed into an impressive 400 plus members from its original beginning of 3, and it launched many major offensives against the enemy, but this part was not shown. The movie only concentrated on the time there were only several dozen members.

Return to Sandakan


During World War II there were nearly 2,500 Allied prisoners held in Sandakan POW camp in British North Borneo. Along with the ravages of war and the struggle to survive abject conditions, only six of these POW's were found alive when the war finally ended. In the years that followed, the horror stories of human depravity and the atrocities committed by the Japanese at Sandakan POW camp would come to light, considered by many as one of the most devastating chapters of the Pacific War.

Through My Thick Glasses


An elderly man tells his granddaughter his personal story of the Second World War. His life as a child and all the strange characters he populates it with takes the little girl to a bizarre world she doesn't understand.





Soon after the father leaves for the front, the mother dies - and the children are left alone. And then fourteen-year-old Lyubasha takes care of her younger brothers and sisters.

First Evening


Macedonian TV movie.
star 1

Squad Of Girls


Squad Of Girls


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The story shows a different point of view of Iraq's invasion since it's narrated by self sacrificing fearless women who reach the army fortress in order to bring back weapons and ammunitions to stand against the enemy.