Pianezza 1706 - Maria Bricca

Pianezza 1706 - Maria Bricca (2012)


This short movie tells the story of Maria Bricca, a young lady who led a group of Brandenburg and Sabaudian soldiers through a secret passageway, allowing them to conquer back the castle of Pianezza on 5 September 1706 together with all the supplies the French kept there. The Duke of Savoy, Victor Amadeus II, and hi cousin, Prince Eugene, could thus face the enemies and force and make them surrender.

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Pianezza 1706 - Maria Bricca is not available for streaming at this moment.

Pianezza 1706 - Maria Bricca Photos

Directing Alessandro Ragona Director
Writing Massimo Ferrarotti Screenplay
Crew Sergio Argentero Cinematography
Art Eleonora Rosetto Set Decoration
Sound Bruno Bergamini Music
Sound Maurizio Bertolina Sound
Camera Diego Rovej Camera Operator
Lighting Claudio Serafino Lighting Coordinator
Production Claudio Serafino Executive Producer
Production Sergio Argentero Executive Producer
Production Maurizio Bertolina Executive Producer
Production Diego Rovej Executive Producer