Nem Que Tudo Termine Como Antes

Nem Que Tudo Termine Como Antes (2012)


A very in love couple decide to set the date of their breaking up. They believe that ending their relationship on the top of their love would keep it preserved forever. The breaking up day arrives and they have to deal with it, each one in its own particular way.

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Nem Que Tudo Termine Como Antes is not available for streaming at this moment.

Writing Mariana Martinez Screenplay
Art Renata Rugai Art Direction
Production Claudia Melissa Executive Producer
Camera Pierre de Kerchove Director of Photography
Directing Daniel Caselli Director
Directing Mariana Martinez Director
Editing Daniel Caselli Editor
Editing Rami D'Aguiar Editor
Editing William Mazzola Editor
Sound Simone Alves Sound Editor
Sound Gabriela Cunha Sound Mixer
Production Simoni de Mendonça Executive Producer
Production Lorenzo Giunta Executive Producer