My Name is Anik

My Name is Anik (2022)


Bircan has decided to learn Kurdish, her once-forbidden mothertongue, with all the words her grandmother has forgotten and all the stories that have remained unspoken.

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    Editing Kieran Gosney Editor
    Crew Cağla Ural Translator
    Production Flore Cosquer Executive Producer
    Production Rachel Stollery Production Coordinator
    Sound Ali Murray Sound Designer
    Sound Celo Boluz Music
    Directing Bircan Birol Director
    Sound Ali Murray Sound Mixer
    Production Thomás Sheridan Producer
    Crew Adam Harper Technical Supervisor
    Crew Zozan Yaşar Translator
    Crew Revan Çapan Translator
    Crew Claudia Vickers Technical Supervisor
    Production Leslie Finlay Executive Producer
    Crew Francesca Tosarelli Cinematography
    Production Noé Mendelle Executive Producer
    Editing Stephen C. Horne Colorist