Elsewhere, Everywhere

Elsewhere, Everywhere (2021)


A computer screen, images from the four corners of the world. We cross borders in one-click while another trip’s story reach us in bits, through text messages, chats, phone conversations, and an immigration office’s questionnaire. It’s the journey of Shahin, a 20-year-old Iranian boy who, fleeing his country alone, lands in Greece, then winds his way to England where he claims asylum.

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  • Elsewhere, Everywhere Photos

    Directing Vivianne Perelmuter Director
    Directing Isabelle Ingold Director
    Production Julie Frères Producer
    Editing Isabelle Ingold Editor
    Editing Vivianne Perelmuter Editor
    Sound Clément Claude Sound
    Sound Nathalie Vidal Sound
    Sound Benoît Biral Sound
    Sound Michaël Barre Sound
    Production Vincent Terlichamp Production Assistant