Her Favorite Patient

Her Favorite Patient (1945)

When Beautiful Doctor Meets Handsome Hospital Case.. IT'S TOUCH AND OH!

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A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".

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  • Her Favorite Patient Photos

    Directing Andrew L. Stone Director
    Writing Robert Carson Story
    Writing Malcolm Stuart Boylan Screenplay
    Writing Frederick J. Jackson Screenplay
    Editing James Smith Editor
    Art Rudi Feld Art Direction
    Production Andrew L. Stone Producer
    Production Henry S. Kesler Associate Producer
    Camera John J. Mescall Director of Photography
    Camera James Van Trees Director of Photography