Antropofagia Marginal

Antropofagia Marginal (2020)


Through a historical-affective reconstruction of the Boca do Lixo region, in São Paulo, the documentary aims to investigate what was the cultural, social and geographic impact that the cinema made there had for the city and for the country during the from the 1960s to the 1980s.

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Antropofagia Marginal is not available for streaming at this moment.

Writing Gabriel Egea Writer
Production Fernanda Talarico Production Manager
Production Fernanda Fernandes Production Assistant
Production Gabriel Egea Production Assistant
Production Larissa Basilio Production Assistant
Editing Marcus Samed Editor
Art Larissa Basilio Art Direction
Sound Danislau TB Sound
Editing Larissa Basilio Editorial Production Assistant
Editing Fernanda Fernandes Editor
Writing Fernanda Talarico Writer
Directing Gabriel Egea Director
Directing Larissa Basilio Director